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★ Request and Notes for food donation/フードバンク寄付のお願いと注意事項 ★

The PTSA will be hosting a food bank on Christmas Fiesta day this year. We would like to collect food donations from everyone in the school! Details are listed below:
Date: Sunday, December 15th, 2024
Time: Students- 8:15 a.m.-14:00 p.m.
  Guardians- 10:00 a.m.-14:00 p.m.
Location: Room 101 (located in front of the main office)
Please bring one or more food donation(s) per student.
**** Students may bring in their donation items between Dec. 9 and Dec. 13 to their homerooms as well.****
Types of food accepted:
 ● Grain / Grain Product (e.g. rice, noodle, pasta, flour, etc...)
 ● Preservable food (Canned / Jarred food, and more!)
 ● Instant / Boil-in-the-bag food
 ● Drink (e.g. Juice, Coffee, Tea, etc...)
 ● Gift Packs (e.g. seasonal gift sets)
 ● Condiment, Spice, and Cooking Oil
 ● Dried food (e.g. Furikake, Ochazuke, Nori, etc...)
When choosing what to donate, please make sure that the product or package...
 ● Has its expiration date written, and won't expire in the next 2 months
 ● Can be stocked at room temperature
 ● Is sealed
 ● Is not damaged
 ● Has ingredients and instructions in Japanese
 ● White rice needs to be within 3 months after milling, brown rice, within 2 years
 ● No donations can be accepted in any form of cash, gift card, alcohol, etc...
Thank you for your cooperation.
開催日: 12月15日(日)
時間: 生徒 8:15〜14:00
  保護者 10:00〜14:00
開催場所: 101号教室 (メインオフィス向かいの教室)
内容: 生徒1人につき1点以上の食品
 ● 穀類(お米、麺類、小麦粉)
 ● 保存食品(缶詰、瓶詰など)
 ● インスタント食品、レトルト食品
 ● 飲料(ジュース、コーヒー、お茶など)
 ● ギフトパック(お歳暮、お中元品など)
 ● 調味料各種、食用油
 ● 乾物(ふりかけ、お茶漬け、のりなど)
 ● 賞味期限が明記されており、期限が2ヶ月以上先であること
 ● 常温で保存が可能であること(※生鮮食品は不可)
 ● 未開封であること
 ● パッケージに破損がないこと
 ● お米は常識の範囲内で古くないこと(精米後3ヶ月以内のもの、玄米は2年以内のもの)
 ● 中身や食べ方について日本語で表示されていること
 ● アルコールの寄付はご遠慮ください
 ● 金銭、ギフトカード等のご寄付はご遠慮ください

★ PTSA Monthly meeting / PTSA定例会議 ★

Next PTSA monthly meeting is …
 ◆Date December 14th, Saturday
 ◆Time 9:00〜
 ◆Place CIS
※ We welcome the participation of the person who is interested in the PTSA Executive Committee & the Spot Volunteer.

 ◆日時 12月14日(土) 9:00〜
※ PTSA役員、及び、スポット・ボランティアに興味のある方のご参加を歓迎いたします。

★ Call for the PTSA Executive committee member and Spot volunteers ★

The main theme of the activities is to provide a platform where school members (parents, teachers, staff) can work together to enrich student’s school life.
We need the PTSA Executive committee member and spot volunteers of events.
Please join us!
PTSAは、子ども達の学校生活の向上を目指し、保護者・教師・スタッフが協力し合うことを活動の骨子としています。 その目的のため、私達は役員 及び イベント毎のスポットボランティアを求めています。
When our group began, we decided to call ourselves the “PTSA” instead of the more usual “PTA”. This is because, in addition to involving parents and teachers, we believe that including other school staff members is important as well hence, the “S” in PTSA stands for “Staff”.
Parents who help the PTSA to enrich the school lives of our children are all volunteers. Some of us are homemakers, some of us care for our aging parents and some of us work at businesses both inside and outside of the home. But all of us have found many benefits from being involved in the PTSA. A few of the many benefits include knowing that we have enriched our children’s school experience, enjoying the company of other parents and enjoying the opportunity to use our time, energy and skills to help out with something meaningful.
As a parent of a Columbia International School student you, too, are a member of the PTSA. We are confident that if you choose to become a more active member you, too, will experience the many benefits of volunteering!
To give you a better idea of what it is we do and how you might like to get involved, here are some of the PTSA activities from over the past couple of years…
We have held workshops ranging from how to build and program robots to how to skip double-dutch. We also hosted a presentation from a Canadian children’s book author, a performance of English rakugo and a drumming group.
At the school’s Winter Fiesta, the PTSA hosts a fund-raising bazaar, runs a cafe and has games/crafts/stories/songs for the children. The PTSA also regularly enriches the school’s Halloween party with pumpkins for the children to carve, prizes for the best pumpkins and Halloween treats. Then, on JAPANADA DAY (Japan+Canada day), for graduation and to welcome new students, we distribute gifts.
The PTSA also hosts its own special annual event a very successful Summer Festival! This enjoyable afternoon features delicious food, fun games and entertainment by both students and teachers. It’s a real community-building event! Also we updated the library in 2014-2015.
This year, in response to identified needs by the school community and in cooperation with the school, we are planning to update purchase some sports equipment and contribute to a school trip.
As you can see, there are many opportunities for you to become involved! In addition, if you have a great idea, please share it with us. If you see a problem and can offer a good solution, please let us know. Let’s all work together to make the PTSA work even better for our children.
PTSA meetings are held at school on the first Saturday of every month during the school year. Please come and join us! Together, we can work together for our children’s benefit.
We are looking forward to hearing from you and seeing you!
活動内容は、毎年、学校と相談しながら講師をお招きして講演会を行ったり、学校のイベント支援としてハロウィン 賞品やジャパナダデー(ジャパン+カナダデー)の差し入れなどを提供したりしています。クリスマスフィエスタでは、バザーやカフェ、ゲームなどのコーナーを担当。また、独自の活動としてサマーフェスティバルを開催。2014年度には、図書室の大改装を行いました。そして、今後も運動用具の拡充、校外学習への貢献など、子ども達の学校生活がより楽しく素晴らしいものになるような形で関わりたいと考えています。
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