PTSA Summer Festival 2013 was held on Saturday, June 15 and wow, what a day it was! This year, over 350 students, parents, teachers and staff joined in the fun and made the event a huge success! |
The festivities began with a fabulous luncheon of salads, snacks and our very own sushi bar. There were tables brimming with cookies and cakes for dessert, and kids lined up to enjoy icy-cold snow cones and oh-so-sweet cotton candy. Many thanks to the Maple Kitchen for all of their hard work preparing so many delicious dishes for us to enjoy! |
While we ate, the talented band of CIS teachers who call themselves “We’ll Be Fine” treated us to some lively tunes and set the stage for the day’s main event -- the student and parent performances! |
This year we had 11 different performances, ranging from classical piano to traditional Japanese dance. In addition to showcasing their amazing talent, it was clear that everyone had practiced very, very hard. Thanks, everyone, for giving it your all and delivering such outstanding performances! |
Student & Parent Performers |
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The Kiyoto Family Band |
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Yo Kanda |
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Shunsuke Osugi & Hiira Yahagi |
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Rei Ohno |
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Emi, Rei & Kent |
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Gaku Fujita |
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9th grade dance team |
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GLEE Club |
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Filipina Singers |
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Rock Challenge Dance Group |
6月15日(土)に2013年PTSAサマーフェスティバルを開催。なんと350人を超えるPTSAメンバーが集結し、大いに盛り上がりました。 |
フェスティバルは、豪華な食事で幕を開けました。寿司バーをはじめ、サラダやスウィーツなど、美味しい料理を堪能。かき氷や綿菓子には、子ども達の長い列ができました。労力を惜しまず用意してくださった、メープルキッチンさんに感謝いたします。 |
食事中には、先生方のバンド”We’ll Be Fine”の素晴らしい演奏に耳を傾けました。
そして、メインイベントである生徒と保護者によるパフォーマンス!ピアノ演奏や日本の伝統的な踊りなど、11組がその驚くべき才能を披露してくれました。みなさんが、本番まで練習を重ねた成果です。 |