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★ Event 2014-2015 ★

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★ Entrance Ceremony ★

Entrance Ceremony was held on April 6th.
Congratulations on your entrance into Columbia International School!

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★ Annual General Meeting & Reception 2014 ★

PTSA Annual General Meeting & Reception was held on April 19th 2014.
 PTSA Minutes for April 2014 (議事録)
The reception was also held. We enjoyed a lot of time with teachers, staff and CIS families!

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★ PTSA Cafe (Coffee morning) ★

Have a break time and friendship during the open house (Parent Day)!
Let's join together next time!

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★ Summer Festival 2014 ★

PTSA Summer Festival 2014 was held on Saturday, June 14! This year, 375 students, parents, teachers and staff joined in the fun and made the event a huge success!
A lot delicious foods, salads, snacks, soft drinks, alcohols!
While we ate, we enjoyed to watch 15 the student, parent and teachers talented.
Student & Parent Performers
Group Name
1. Hiira & Shunsuke
2. Irina and Olivia
3. Rei Ohno
4. Emi & Samantha
5. 溝口 翼
6. Mr. Hall, Mr. Berry,
 Riana Hall, Ryosuke Berry
  and Olivia Holland
7. Kotaro
8. The Kiyomo's
9. AKC4
10. ToHeart
11. Star Girls
12. Click Crack
13. Cool Pink
14. Glee (Tuesday Afternoon)
15. Teacher's band
The final event of the day was the big lottery.
Eight lucky winners went home with a fabulous prize, a physical reminder of the great time had by all at this year’s event!
We look forward to seeing you again next summer!
●Columbia International School(CIS) Student Council
●CIS Teachers ●CIS Staff
●CIS PTSA Spot volunteers ●CIS PTSA Members
◎CB service ◎ハートランド・朝霧
◎酒ランド東所沢店 ◎(有)小谷野商店

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★ Canada Day Party 2014 ★

Canada Day Party was held on July 2nd at Columbia International School. We invited the Saitama Prefectural Police with PTSA's event.
 Fiddle Faddle
 The Syncopated Clock
 The Waltzing Cat
 Happy Band Day To You
(Musical instrument explanation)
 Anpanman March
 My Favorite Things
 Disney Song Medley
【Encore Song】 Let it go
In the encore song, children had sang a large chorus "Let it go"!

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★ Evening Party 2014 ★

The PTSA's 納涼会(the evening party) was held by 屋形船(a traditional Japanese roofed pleasure boat) on July 18th.
We enjoyed a lot!

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★ Halloween Party 2014 ★

★★★ The Pumpkin Contest ★★★
Winner of Kindergarten&Elementary : G4 Mr.Bentz Winner of Junior&Senior : G10 Mr.Hagerty
◆◆◆ The Costume Contest ◆◆◆
Winner of Elementary Winner of Junior Winner of Senior
Winner of Teachers
We are looking forward to seeing you again next Halloween Party!

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★ Library Project ★

Our new library was completed!
*** Library Project History ***
This was our old Library.
Let's start the project!
・Painting the wall  ・Boarding the floor ・Making the bookshelves
Many thanks to all of you!!

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★ Christmas Fiesta 2014 ★

Christmas Fiesta 2014 was held on Sunday, December 14.
◆◇◆ PTSA Bazaar & PTSA Game ◆◇◆
Thank you so much for your BIG support!

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★ Graduation Ceremony ★

Graduation Ceremony was held on March 12th.
Congratulations on your graduation and your promotion!

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