Teachers &
Association |
Congratulations on entering school ! |
ご入学おめでとうございます! |
On April 7th, CIS held an entry ceremony welcoming 56 new students. |
2024年4月7日(日)入学式が行われ、56名の新入生を迎えました。 |
Enjoy your new school life! |
新しい学校生活を楽しんでください! |
The PTSA board members and volunteer members will continue supporting the elementary school's "library project" this school year. |
PTSAでは、今年度も引き続き小学校の図書プロジェクトのサポートをしています。 |
Under the elementary teacher’s guidance, the members of "Library Project " participate three to four times a month;
・Assisting with tasks such as categorizing the books
・Data entry
・organizing the bookshelves |
などのお手伝いを行ないます。 |
We hope students will enjoy reading even more now that the library has become easier to access! |
利用しやすくなったlibraryで、生徒たちが読書をさらに楽しんでくれることを願います! |
On Saturday, June 1, 2024, we prepared to distribute last year’s emergency food supplies to students as part of the annual update funded by PTSA membership fees. |
2024年6月1日(土曜日)、PTSA会費で賄われる災害非常食の入れ換え準備のため、昨年度購入分の非常食を生徒に配布する準備を行ないました。 |
We hope this will help that students become more aware of disaster preparedness and gain a better understanding of the importance of stocking and maintaining emergency food supplies. |
PTSAは、生徒たちが防災意識を高め、非常食の備蓄と維持管理の重要性を理解してくれることを願っています! |
On June 5, we held a uniform bazaar on the first Parents Day of the school year.
Thank you for your cooperation and many visitors! |
多くの方が会場へ足を運び、バザーに協力くださったことを感謝いたします! |
All proceeds of 61,010 yen from the bazaar will be donated to the school and used for the benefit of the students. |
バザーで得た収益金は61,010円となり、これらは全て学校へ寄付され生徒のために使われます。 |
We will keep you up to date with all of the activities here on PTSA website, so please check
the website now and then, if interested. |
今後もPTSA活動や寄贈の報告をPTSAのWebサイトに掲載・お知らせしていきます! |
On Saturday, June 22nd, CIS held an Open day. This year, we were delighted to welcome many visitors to our school. |
今年も多くの方々に来校いただきました。 |
The PTSA supported each group, from kinder to high school, by assisting visitors with their questions as they observed the students' classes. |
PTSAは、幼小中高それぞれ生徒の授業風景などを見学される各グループに付き添い、皆さまの質疑応答サポートをしました。 |
We hope that we were able to help participants better understand the school environment and activities. |
学校公開参加の皆さまが、PTSAによるサポートで保護者目線での学校の様子や活動内容をよりよく理解していただけていたら嬉しく思います。 |
The Art Club held a small exhibition during the last week of this semester. Additionally, students who worked hard and produced high-quality works were recognized. PTSA provided the following prizes.
PTSAからは以下の賞品の提供を行いました。 |
On Thursday, July 4th, JAPANADA DAY (Japan+Canada day) was held under sunny skies.
As usual, the Kinder and elementary, junior and senior high school students were divided into groups for various activities. |
今年も幼小学生、中高校生に分かれて様々なアクティビティが行われました。 |
The Kinder and elementary students participated in water fights and face painting on the field, while junior and senior high school students enjoyed performance events on the gym stage.
They enjoyed each event very much. |
幼小生はフィールドにてウォーターファイトやフェイスペイント、中高生は体育館ステージでパフォーマンスイベント等を楽しみ、各所で生徒たちの笑顔が溢れていました。 |
PTSA provided
@ "Poutine", a traditional Canadian dish of french fries topped with gravy and cheese
A500 ml of bottled water
BBandanas ,trophies and lots of water balloons for use at the junior and senior high school events"spirits cup and JAPANADA DAY". |
を提供しました。 |
For this event, PTSA board members mainly contributed in planning and preparing for this event, as well as helping the teachers run the event on the day. |
PTSA役員は今年も企画から事前準備、当日のイベントの運営補助等多岐に渡って参加しました。 |
We hope everyone enjoyed the last event before the summer vacation.
PTSA will continue the efforts to provide better support for the students.
We sincerely appreciate the ongoing understanding and cooperation of all parents. |
保護者の皆さまのご理解・ご協力を引き続き、よろしくお願いします! |
The school Open day was held on Saturday, September 21st. This autumn, we once again welcomed many visitors to our school. After the principal's welcome speech, the visitors eagerly observed the school's atmosphere, facilities, and the students' learning during classroom visits. |
9月21日(土)学校公開が行われました。今回も多くの見学者がご来校。校長による歓迎挨拶の後、本校の雰囲気や施設、公開授業で子どもたちの学習の様子を熱心に見学されていました。 |
The PTSA assisted in guiding the visitors and responded to questions from a parent's perspective. |
PTSAは来校者の案内を手伝い、質疑応答については保護者の視点で回答していきました。 |
Despite some traffic disruptions, we sincerely thank all of you who visited our school. |
一部交通機関の乱れがありましたが、ご来校された皆さまに心より感謝申し上げます。 |
Copyright © 2013-2024 CIS-PTSA All rights reserved. |