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★ CIS-PTSA Event ★

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★ Entrance Ceremony 2022-2023 ★

On April 3rd, CIS held an entry ceremony, welcoming 54 new students.
We hope you will all enjoy your new school life in this unique international environment of our school.
新入生と保護者の皆さま、新しい学校生活とインターナショナルスクールという環境をぜひ楽んでください。 そして、一緒に成長して行きましょう。
At PTSA, we are working to improve the quality of school life for students in collaboration with the school staff. Some of our activities include helping conduct the various school events and organizing bazaar / charity acts. We hope that more parents and or guardians will join us to contribute to the school and the students!

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★ Charity uniform bazaar 2022_Spring Term ★

PTSA held a charity uniform bazaar to support students and school on Parents Day; June 1st. A total of 75,500 yen was collected at the bazaar. The proceeds of the bazaar are donated to school, and used to improve student's life. Thank you for your cooperation!
6月1日のParents Day終了後に在校生・卒業生から寄付いただいた制服をバザー販売し、合計75,500円の収益を得ました。バザー収益金は学校に寄付され、生徒たちの豊かな学校生活のために活用させていただきます。 皆さまのご協力に感謝いたします!

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★ Open Day June, 2022 ★

On Saturday June 25th, the staff and the volunteers of PTSA helped the school during open day, where we answered various questions from visitors through our perspective. Many of the visitor seemed to have enjoyed their stay, inspecting the classes and overall environment of each grade. Meanwhile, several students from each grade guided the visitors around, answering questions too from the student's perspective. In addition, alumni students were also invited to school to also help out with questionnaires, which they answered from their previous experiences at Columbia and their current life.
6月25日(土)に開催された春学期の学校公開日に、役員とスポットボランティアがお手伝いをしました。 学校見学に来た方達からの質問に保護者の立場でお答えしました。 来校された保護者やお子さまたちは、熱心に学校や生徒の様子を見学。 各課程から選ばれた生徒たちも積極的に学校を案内したり質問に答えたりと活躍していました。 また、様々な年代の卒業生がアドバイスをするために参加してくれて、来校者たちからの大変熱心で多岐にわたる質問に、経験談を交えて真摯に答えてくれていました。
Some of the families who visited open day commented "We were initially nervous about the visit because it was our first time seeing the unique environment of a international school. However, after seeing how school and the students are like, the good mood among the parents and guardians, and the growth of the alumni, we are much more positive with considering about letting our child into this school."
来校者より 「インターナショナルスクールというあまり馴染みのない特殊な環境を訪れることにとても不安がありましたが、学校や生徒たちの様子、保護者の良い雰囲気、卒業生たちのとても素晴らしく成長した姿を見て、我が子の未来について、とても明るく前向きに検討できそうです。」と笑顔で感想を言っていただきました。嬉しいですね!
The open day this term was limited to certain amount of people per family due to the COVID-19 situation, however we hope that one day the school will be able to welcome the whole family who are eager to come and see our school.
コロナ禍により今回の学校公開は各家庭からの見学参加人数を制限した公開でしたが、 以前のように、ご家族揃っての見学が可能になる日が早く訪れる事を願っています。

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★ Japanada Day 2022 ★

The school hosted Japan+Canada Day=“Japanada Day” event on July 1st, 2022. To celebrate, we arranged a Kendama event for both preschool and elementary students, as well as secondary students to enjoy. We also served the Canadian cuisine "Poutine" as per tradition for lunch. Furthermore, we also provided sports drink and snacks to all students in order to prevent dehydration from extreme heat.
2022年度のジャパナダデー(ジャパン+カナダデイ)が7月1日に開催されました。 PTSAからは、お祝いとして伝統的なカナダのフード「プーティン」の提供と、 幼稚園生から高校生までが楽しめるイベントの主催と景品のお菓子を4種類準備、 また脱水予防のため全員分の飲料の提供と配布しました。
For the Kendama event, students enjoyed the performance from the professional Kendama performer "Kendama sensei Takahashi Showma" and then competed in team based Kendama battle. During the event, Kendama sensei performed various Kendama and other Japanese tricks along music, the students applauded and cheered in amazement. After the performance, students practiced and performed 3 Kendama tricks, where each tricks were worth a point. After the event ended, Kendama sensei commented "I am very happy to see that everyone enjoyed the Kendama event! To be honest, I was very nervous to perform, especially for the older students who usually is much harder to grasp their attention, but in reality everyone showed great interest which I truly appreciate. During the Kendama competition, everyone was practicing their tricks with effort. When I went around to see their progress, many students asked for tips to become better at the tricks, and was very eager to show me what they have accomplished. Furthermore, they all handled the Kendama I handed out very well, which in total made me grateful that I decided to attend this event for Columbia International School. Finally, I think the students of Columbia were all kind, wonderful people. Please tell how grateful I am to the parents and guardians as well, I truly enjoyed the event!"
イベントは、「けん玉先生たかはししょうま」さんをお迎えし、パフォーマンスの観覧とチーム対抗でポイントを競い合うゲームを行いました。 パフォーマンスでは、音楽に合わせて繰り出される様々な技に大きな拍手を送りながら楽しみました。 チーム対抗のゲームではそれぞれが熱心に練習し、時間内により多くのポイントを獲得できるようお互いにアドバイスしながら競い合っていました。
イベントが終わりけん玉先生から 「皆が盛り上がってくれてとても幸せ。特に、年齢の大きい子を楽しませることができるかと緊張していたが、心配は杞憂で大変良い反応をもらえてとても嬉しかった。 各自の練習にも皆が協力して熱心に取り組んでいた。練習を見て回っていた自分に対して、積極的にコツなどを聞きに来てくれたり、出来るようになったから見てほしいなどと尊重した態度で話しかけて来てくれた。けん玉もひとつも壊れる事なく丁寧に扱ってくれた。学校のイベントでこんな良い経験は初めてなのでとても嬉しかった。コロンビアの生徒達は本当に良い子です。素晴らしい!この感動した気持ちを保護者の方達にもぜひお伝えしてくださいね。」と言われました。嬉しいですね!
In addition to the event, we also supplied annual emergency foods to all of the students. While it is very important to always be prepared for a disaster, we were also thankful that we never had to use these emergency supplies in the past year.
コロナ禍で規制されていた学校行事の開催様態が元の活気溢れるものに戻りつつあります。 こうしたイベントや学校行事が滞りなく開催できるのは、皆さまの協力があってこそです。これからも引き続きご理解とご協力をよろしくお願いします。

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★ Open Day September, 2022 ★

The school had an open day on September 24th. Despite the bad weather due to approaching typhoon, we had a lot of visitors who went around observing the class of their interest.
During the day, some of the PTSA members who are also the parents of students from elementary and secondary school got involved in the event, answering the questions from the visitors.

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★ Halloween Party 2022 ★

The entire school enjoyed the Halloween event on October 29th, Saturday. This year, we had parents and guests visit the school, which has not happened since the start of covid in 2019.
10月29日(土)快晴の中、ハロウィンイベント2022が開催されました。 保護者や外部校からのゲストも参加できる、コロナ禍前の平常と同じ規模で盛大に行われたイベントは、2019年度以来です。
In the morning, each class worked on the Jack O' lantern, an essential prop for Halloween. Each year, students put in a lot of effort to come up with and carve out some peculiar yet original design for their pumpkins, as a contest to choose which Jack O' lantern is the best will be held. The winning class of this contest gets to enjoy a special prize. The winners of this contest will be listed later in this blog.

Once the pumpkin carving was done, the kindergartners and the elementary students went around the school to “trick or treat” by finding the "Wanted" teachers and PTSA board members, who would give up on their snacks in fear of getting tricked by the students.
続いて、キンダー生・小学生には、仮装した大人たち「おたずね者」を探してお菓子をもらうイベントの「トリック オア トリート」が開催されました。役員からも「おたずね者」役を募って参加し、お菓子の詰め合わせを渡しました。
While the kindergartners and the elementary students went around the school trick or treating, the secondary students worked on the wall decoration contest held by the student council. Combined with the Halloween decorations, the huge posters which were hang around all over the secondary building's walls helped with showing their Halloween spirit! The winner of wall decoration contest is Grade7. Congratulations!
キンダー生・小学生がトリック オア トリートを行なっている頃、中高生は、生徒会主催のウォールデコレーションコンテストに向けた飾り作成をしていました。高校棟と中学棟の壁一面に張り巡らされた巨大なポスターや飾り付けは、中高生たちのハロウィーンスピリットを表現しているそうです。後日、G7の優勝が伝えられました。おめでとうございます!
At the Halloween event, PTSA was responsible for preparing Halloween snack packs and the prize for the costume and pumpkin contest. The pumpkins that were used for the carving were also purchased and prepared by the PTSA. After the “Parents Day” week before Halloween, the PTSA board members gathered at school to prepare for Halloween. We packaged nearly 300 snack packs with the PTSA sticker on it, and organized the prizes for each contest, which both takes a lot of time with less PTSA board members. Thankfully, when we asked for few non-PTSA members to help with the preparation, they agreed on helping us. Everyone was working efficiently that we were able to finish all the work in an hour, which was is way faster than we had planned. Thanks a lot!
ハロウィンイベントで全校生徒に配るお菓子の詰め合わせと、コスチュームおよびカボチャコンテストそれぞれの副賞、ランタン作りに使用されるカボチャは例年通り全てPTSAが購入し提供しました。イベントに先立ち、ハロウィン前週の保護者会後に、各コンテストの副賞にPTSAのシールを貼ったり、お菓子の詰め合わせの作成を行なったりしました。 300人分近いお菓子の詰め合わせ作業やコンテストの副賞の準備をするのには、少ない役員の手だけではとても時間がかかるものです。ところが今回は、保護者会後に役員以外の方々にも協力の声がけをしたところ、数名が快く応じて下さり、また、皆さんとても手際よく作業して下さいましたので、予定よりもずいぶん早く、1時間程で全ての作業を終えることができました。ご協力ありがとうございました!
Going back to the Jack O' lantern contest, it has been decided that the class of Grade 2, 5, 8, and 12 (Mr. Hagerty) had one of the most spectacular Jack O' lantern of the year. Congratulations!

For the kindergartners, we handed out snack pochette for everyone as the costume prize. Everyone looked adorable in their costumes!
Finally, for the costume contest of the elementary and secondary students, the best costumes were chosen out of the representative of each class, and out of the teachers of all classes and office staffs. In addition to their incredible costumes, everyone enjoyed the splendid staging act.
コスチュームコンテストでは、それぞれのクラスからの代表者、代表者の中からの大賞、先生方からの大賞が選出されました。 皆、趣向を凝らしたコスチュームに加えて華麗な披露で楽しませてくれました。
Also, in the afternoon after the Halloween event, junior high and high school students held events such as confectionery buffet and quizzes that they planned and prepared under the leadership of the student council. Preparations for events hosted by student council also include funding from PTSA.
また中高生では、ハロウィンイベント終了後の午後に、生徒会主導で計画・準備をしたお菓子ビュッフェやクイズ、映画鑑賞等のイベントも行われました。 これら生徒会が主催するイベントの準備もPTSA会費からの援助が含まれています。
Such school events can only be held with the help of the PTSA members (all the parents and guardians, teachers, and the students). Thank you for your continued understanding and cooperation.
こうした学校行事やイベントを盛大に行うことができるのは、保護者の皆さまのご協力があってこそです。 これからも引き続き、ご理解とご協力をよろしくお願いいたします。
Finally, we are always welcome for more PTSA board members. If you are interested, feel free to visit our monthly board meeting, where we plan for and bring out these exciting events every year for the students!
なお、PTSA役員を随時募集しております。 ご興味のある方は、一度、毎月開催されている役員会にお越しください。見学でもかまいませんので、お気軽にどうぞ!

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★ Christmas Fiesta 2022 ★

December 11th (Sunday), Christmas Fiesta 2022 held on under clear skies. For the first time in about two years, guests from outside came to the school for the grand Fiesta, and the school was filled with joyful energy.
12月11日(日)、快晴のもとクリスマスフィエスタ2022が開催されました。 約2年ぶりに外部からのお客さまの来校が可能となり、盛大に行われたフィエスタで校内は嬉しい活気にあふれていました。
At the PTSA booth, we earned 56,500 yen from the bazaar sale of uniforms you donated and 30,188 yen from the sale of PTSA charity cafe, totalling 86,688 yen. The proceeds will be donated to schools and be used to enrich student's life. at school. Thank you all for your cooperation!
PTSAブースでは、皆さまからご寄付いただいた制服のバザー販売で56,500 円、PTSAチャリティーカフェの販売で30,188円、合計86,688円の収益を得ました。 収益金は学校に寄付し、生徒たちの豊かな学校生活のために活用されます。 皆さまのご協力に感謝いたします!
On this year's Fiesta, we held a food bank activity, where we were able to collect a lot of food and donated . Thanks to everyone! The donated food was given to "Wada Kodomo Shokudo" (, a children's cafeteria run by NPO Tokorozawa Genki Juku in the name of Columbia International School PTSA on the same day. They told us that with our food donation, they will be able to hold another day of food donation day on top of their scheduled food donation day this year. They are planning to hold one on December 24th, right on Christmas Eve. We are very proud of what we as a school were able to contribute to the community activities! Once again, thank you so much for your cooperation!
フードバンク活動では、皆さまのご協力でたくさんの寄付フードが集まりました。 集まった寄付フードは、当日中に、NPO法人所沢元気塾が運営する「和田子ども食堂」(に、コロンビアインターナショナルスクールPTSAの名前でお渡ししました。これによって、本年中の食品無償提供日を一日多く設けることが可能となり、12月24日(土)にも実施できるようになったということでした。学校として地域の活動に貢献できたことを誇りに思います。 皆さまのご協力に感謝いたします!
PTSA also helped Organize visitor lines outside before the school gates opened, usher in the Big gym, kept the fire pit safe in the main gate area, and organized the bouncy house line in the school yard. The school's teacher, staff, student council ,and we "PTSA" worked together to ensure that the fiesta was a fun and safe event.
PTSAではこの他にも、開場前の来場者列の整理、体育館内での案内、メインゲートエリアで焚き火の安全管理、校庭でバウンシングハウス列の整理など、 学校の教職員、生徒会と共にフィエスタが楽しく安全に行われるよう運営に協力しました。
Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year!!

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★  PTSA inquiry booth/PTSA相談ブース設置 ★

After Parents Day on February 8th, 2023, PTSA board members installed an inquiry booth to interact with other PTSA members.
At the booth, we collected and answered to questions and opinions about the operation in school, inconveniences or concerns regarding school life, stories about what parents should do to prepare for the future of the students, and more. The opinions we collected will be shared with the school staff later, which will be used to further improve school life.
2023年2月8日(水)授業参観終了後に PTSA役員会では相談ブースを設けて、PTSA会員である皆さまと交流する機会を作りました。 日頃抱いている学校運営に関してのご意見や学校生活での困りごと、進路を考える際の保護者の体験談等、疑問やいくつかの相談事が寄せられ対応しました。 頂きましたご意見は、後日学校スタッフとも共有し、より良い学校生活に反映される事と考えています。
As mentioned in the past reports, the membership fees of PTSA we collect from the members every year are used to host various events and lectures at the school's request (from activities expenses), purchase prizes, celebration flowers, and memorial gifts for students from preschool to secondary school (from prizes and gift expenses), as well as emergency food supplies (from disaster prevention expenses).

さて、こちらのイベント報告記事でも随時お伝えしておりますが、皆さまからお預かりしているPTSA会費は毎年、 学校からの要請に応じて

In addition, there are several pieces of equipment and supplies PTSA has provided to the school. This includes the water fountains found around the facilities, the reformation of the library room, the bouldering wall at one corner and the spirit bear logo on the floor in the big gym, as well as the automation of faucets.
その他にも学校設備や備品等にはPTSA名義で寄贈したものがあります。一部ご紹介すると、 各校舎に設置されたウォーターファウンテン、ライブラリー室の内装改築、ビッグジムのボルダリング壁、ジム床のスピリッツベアマーク、エレメンタリー校舎水道の自動水栓式に仕様変更などです。
Furthermore, all of the revenue generated from holding the PTSA fiesta bazaar is donated to the school every year, which has been used to purchase the floor microphones in the gym, the bleacher (portable raised bench to watch games), various sports equipment, large instruments, kilns used for pottery, as well as the fees to support the activities of the student council. These funds, known as "fiesta profit," are used to fulfill the purchase requests from teachers and students.
また、PTSA主催のフィエスタ・バザーで得た収益は全額学校への寄付としてお渡ししており、 ジム内のフロアマイク、ブリーチャー(移動式観覧座席)、各種スポーツ用具、大型楽器類、陶芸クラブでも活躍している電気窯や、生徒会の活動費支援など、教師・生徒達からの購入要望を叶える為の資金として活用されています。
In these ways, cooperation between the school and the PTSA organization is essential at CIS.
Bleacher/ 移動式観覧座席
The PTSA board is always open to suggestions for events and other activities. If you have any activities you wish to happen, any lectures you think will benefit the students, as well as any suggestions or opinions you would like to discuss with the school as one of the PTSA members, don't hesitate to contact us through the contact form in the PTSA website. Also, we are always looking for more members to join the board. If you are interested in joining us feel free to contact us!
Finally, PTSA is committed to striving for our goal; to enrich the learning experience and the school life of students at Columbia. To do so, the understanding and support provided by the PTSA members are important, and we would like to thank you. We hope to see your continued understanding and support in the future!
PTSA役員会では、皆様からの各種イベント案やお薦めの企画等も随時受け付けております。このような事をやってほしいといったご希望、この講義が気になるなどのご要望、会員として学校と協議したい改善案など、ご意見がありましたら、PTSA Webサイト内のお問い合わせより、お気軽に情報をお寄せください。
また、役員は随時加入大歓迎です。 学習・学校生活の環境が児童・生徒にとって、より良いものとなるよう、今後もPTSAの活動の充実に皆様のご理解とご協力をお願いいたします。

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★ Organizing books/図書整理 ★

On March 15th (Wednesday) and 16th (Thursday), PTSA board members and parent volunteers of various grades, from kindergarten to high school, (graduating students awaiting for their ceremony helped us too!)worked together with elementary school teachers to organize the elementary students’ library.
The library, which was donated by the PTSA, located in the main building, is designed for middle and high school students and is not used by elementary school students. Instead, the elementary students have their own library in their building separately. However, the previous bookshelf, which consisted of lined up shelves in the corridors of each floor of the building made it difficult to manage the books, and the shelves were always messy. It was not an environment where elementary school students could actively pick up books that they wanted to read.
これまでのエレメンタリー校舎各階の廊下にずらりと並ぶ棚に置かれた小学生向けの本棚スタイルでは、図書の管理が難しく、また棚の中はいつも雑然としておりました。 小学生たちにとって、積極的に本を手に取りたいと思える状態ではありません。
In response to the passion and request from elementary school teachers to create a more user-friendly library booth for elementary school students, and the agreement between them and us that enriching the library would make student life more fulfilling, the project began.
We are working hard towards the opening of the new library before the new school year, but the project has only just begun, and is in need of more helping hands. Therefore, we may ask our members to help us as spot volunteers over the spring break. Volunteering will also be a great opportunity to interact with parents and teachers of different grades while working together. We look forward to your active participation as volunteers!
新年度開設に向けて鋭意進行中ですが、プロジェクトはまだまだ始まったばかり。 PTSA会員の皆さまにも再びスポットボランティアとしてのお手伝いを依頼させていただきます。 さまざまな学年の保護者や先生方と一緒に作業を行いながら、交流を楽しむよい機会です。 ぜひ、積極的にボランティアへご参加ください!

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★ <Appreciate>Uniform donation/<御礼>制服寄付 ★

After the graduation ceremony, we prepared a uniform donation box at the main entrance. Thank you to everyone who donated.
The uniforms and pe clothes we collect from the donation will be sold during the bazaar PTSA holds once in a while, and all of the revenue from it will be donated to the school.
卒業式の日、メインエントランスに制服寄付ボックスを準備いたしました。 ご寄付くださいました皆さまには、心より感謝いたします。

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★ Graduation Ceremony 2022-2023/2022年度 卒業・進級式 ★

On March 15th (Wednesday), the promotion ceremonies (K3, G6, and G9) and graduation ceremony (G12) were held under a gentle spring sun.
To all the students who have been promoted, we wish you all the best in your future academic life, and we will support you. To all the graduates, we sincerely hope that your future path will lead you to the realization of your dreams and aspirations.
Congratulations on your promotion or graduation!

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